We have exciting news to share! Starting on Tuesday, February 15th we will be open on Tuesdays as well, for shoppers/clients, from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. AND we are also going to open up the Hope Clothing room (on Tuesdays only) for shoppers. It’s a small, jam packed room so only one person at a time will have access to it. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you are welcome to come in to shop for yourself. We have the clothing racks set up so that there is plenty of space to stay distanced (masks are required). Come and see what we have, plenty of men’s and women’s jeans, boots, children’s clothing (warm clothes, winter coats, boots), new t-shirts, etc. If you have young children feel free to drop in to see what we have. We know how fast children grow and we don’t mind sharing what we have with families.