Please join our Holy Sherlocks for this week’s lesson.

In times together and times apart, we are in community with the whole people of God.

The Season after the Epiphany offers time to explore a call from our old habits and into a fresh start.

On the last Sunday after the Epiphany, we hear the story of Jesus’ transfiguration. We pause to cel- ebrate and to hold within us the presence of Something More, which will strengthen us for the journey into Lent.

February 14 – Coming Through the Clouds

Mark 9:2–9 In a light-radiant cloud
Read Mark 9:2–9 or listen to the audio story “A Mountaintop Experience” or gather around as someone tells the story “On the Mountain” that is in this week’s children’s activity leaflet.

Jesus’ appearance is transformed before his friends in a way that is quite extraordinary. We know whoJesus is both because of how he looked and who stood with him. At that moment, Peter grasps a sense of the sacred, and wants to preserve it; he offers to build three shelters. Jesus orders them to hold this incredible experience to themselves until after his death. How hard that must have been.

 Light a candle, dim the lights and invite each person to tell something they appreciate about God and something they appreciate about each person present.

“Epiphany” means “showing forth.” During this season, we explore ways God’s glory is revealed in the life and work of Jesus and the disciples.

 Where and when have you sensed a sacred or caught a glimpse of God’s presence?

Print this week’s children’s activity leaflet, which includes the story “On the Mountain,” instructions for making a dazzling frame, and an activity.

The noise and busyness of life faded away as Peter, James, and John sat on the mountain. That time of stillness was awesome.
Watch “Bulldog Finds His Quiet Place.” Take time to breathe in quiet and breathe out quiet. Practice stillness and find your calm.

Nothing in all creation is so like God as silence – Meister Eckhart.

During the week

Experiencing Dadirri

Jesus led Peter, James and John to a place where they could experience time apart, a time of stillness, listening and awareness.
A spiritual gift of the Indigenous People of Australia is Dadirri – “inner deep listening and quiet still awareness.”

Take time to read and reflect on the article Dadirri – a Reflection by Miriam- Rose Ungunmerr- Baumann. Use, in some way, the suggestions at the end of the article to experience Dadirri.

Play the song “Here in this Ordinary Place” throughout the week until everyone is joining in. (Available here for purchase and download.)

Visit Lection Connection, February 14, for current events that connect with this week’s scriptures.

Prayer for each day

Mysterious God,
you continually amaze us!
Thank you for your special child, Jesus.
Thank you for blessing us with mystery. Amen.