This is our weekly lesson for our Holy Sherlocks group. Please feel free to read & work through it and share it.

In times together and times apart, we are in community with the whole people of God.

Beginning with the Baptism of Jesus, the Season after the Epiphany offers us a time to explore a call from our old habits and into a fresh start. This week, the Baptism of Christ invites us to consider what more God might be calling us to do, individually and as the church, and how the Spirit and the knowledge that we are beloved empowers us.

January 10 – Coming through the Waters

Mark 1:4–11 Jesus’ baptism by John is a turning point in Jesus’ life.

Read Mark 1:4–11 or Listen to the audio story “A Letter to John the Baptizer” or gather around as

someone tells the story “Jesus Is Baptized” that is in this week’s children’s activity leaflet.

It was a defining moment for the people who came to be baptized by John. John pointed to the way of Jesus and prepared people to receive the promised one of God. When Jesus presented himself to John for baptism, the scene was dramatic. Jesus placed himself in God’s loving care. In response, God called Jesus “Beloved Child.” God’s love surrounds us as well and invites us into a new way of living.

  • Gather memorabilia of family baptisms. Look at photos, mementos and tell the stories of baptism.
  • Together discuss:

What are defining moments in your family life? How did these change your family life?
• Consider ways you can affirm each other as a “beloved child.” Plan on leaving small gifts for each other as signs of love.

Make a blessing globe and or a dove mobile following the directions on this week’s children’s activity leaflet.

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. – January 15

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., an African-American civil rights leader, was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. A Baptist minister and peace activist, Dr King was a voice for equal rights for African Americans and others.

On August 28, 1963, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a pivotal speech from the Lincoln Memorial’s steps in Washington, D.C. The words, which have come to be known as the “I Have a Dream” speech, inspired the crowd of more than 300,000 people who made the march on Washington to advocate for civil rights. Dr King spoke fervently of a day when all God’s children would join hands and walk together as sisters and brothers.

Watch again as Kid President tells the story of Martin Luther King Jr.
Read along My First Biography: Martin Luther King Jr.” written by Marion Dane Bauer and illustrated by Jamie Smith.

During the week

  • John the baptizer’s focus is for right relationships; he calls for repentance and life change. Keep your eyes open for God’s leading in unusual situations.
  • God calls each of us, “Beloved.” It is wonderful when we can recognize one another as God’s beloved.
  • Place the names of each person on slips of paper in a bowl. Take turns drawing out one name per person until all names have been claimed, and make sure no one has their own name.o Do something special this week for the person whose name you have chosen, to let them know that they are beloved by you and by God. Younger children may need help putting their ideas into action.
  • Visit Lection ConnectionJanuary 10, for current events that connect with this week’s scriptures.

Prayer for each day

Affirming God,
we know we are your beloved children.
Thank you for calling us and drawing us into your family. Amen.