• the Athalie Read Group is holding their Annual Garage Sale this Saturday, May 4th,  from 8:00 am – noon in the gym.
  • drop off of items for the garage sale can be on Friday, from 2:00 – 7:00 pm.  Please no electronics or clothing.  This is a great time to do some spring cleaning.  One man’s junk is another’s treasure!

  • the Holy Sherlock class (Grades 4-6) is holding their annual Bake Sale on Sunday, May 5th following worship.  This year the proceeds of the bake sale + pop can collection will be directed to 2 charities; Sleeping Children Around the World where $35 provides a much needed bedroll kit for a child and PCC International Ministries, Keep Hope Alive by Planting an Olive Tree Campaign where $30 purchases an olive tree sapling for a farmer.