When you enter the sanctuary this Sunday (and there will definitely be things going on that you won’t want to miss so you will want to enter) the first thing that you may notice is that something is out of place. Something is there that shouldn’t be — that usually isn’t. First of all, fear not! This is a temporary addition but there is a very good reason why we have added this very special thing this Sunday but you really kind of have to be there to understand why — so be there!

Here are some other things to look forward to this Sunday, May 21:

  • The Adult Choir will sing Rock Me, Lord by Andy Beck
  • Amy Lightfoot will sing a solo: Spirit, Open My Heart by Ruth Duck
  • We will tell a new chapter in the story of our piano which is given and played in memory of people from the congregation.
  • Another of our young folk will bring in the mystery box which the minister will open and have to tell a story based on what he finds inside.
  • The Minister, Rev. W, Scott McAndless, will continue his series of sermons on the Afterlife looking specifically at the Parable of Lazarus and the rich man, which raises the question, what in Hell is Abraham’s Bosom?
Here is a short video introduction to the question posed in the sermon: