On Sunday, February 12 we will gather, as we usually do at St. Andrew’s Hespeler. We will join together in worshiping God. We will lift up the needs of one another and of the world in prayer. We will wait upon the presence of the living God.

Here are some of the highlights we are looking forward to.

  • Our Adult choir will be singing “At Calvary” by Daniel B. Towner and William Newell, 

  • Bekah, Madison and Amy Lightfoot will be singing a contemporary song, “Angels Among Us” By Becky Hobbs and Don Goodman,
The Lightfoots!
  • The minister, the Rev. Scott McAndless continues his sermon series with, “Martha: A journey from pride to freedom”
  •  Our youth will gather to start work on designing their very own space within the church building: a Youth Cafe

  • During our fellowship time, we will be hosting a Alzheimer Society Coffee Break.

Hope to see you!