Financial Review Component of the Annual Meeting
The Annual Congregational Meeting will take place this year in two parts. The first part will take place on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 7:30 pm. in the Fellowship Room off the Lower Hall. This meeting is open to all but particularly directed towards those who want a better understanding of the financial details of the life of the congregation, who have any questions or need some explanation of aspects of the budget and financial reports. We have set this meeting up because we recognized that not all were interested in sitting in on a detailed analysis of financial details and as a way to make sure all the necessarily information was made available.
This meeting will take place following our regular “Family Night” pot luck supper which runs from 5:30-7:30 pm every Wednesday night. You are always welcome to come out on Wednesday evening to participate and this particular This particular Wednesday evening might be a good time to come and join us to see how much fun we have!

Annual Congregational Meeting
The main component of the Annual meeting will take place on Sunday, March 23 following worship. After the service we will immediately proceed downstairs to enjoy a pot luck lunch in the lower hall. We ask you to help provide the lunch if you are able. If your last name starts with A-M please bring sandwiches or finger foods. If your last name starts with N-Z please bring a dessert. While we enjoy our lunch we will begin a celebration of our ministry and work in 2013 that will include brief presentations from various groups and committees in our church.
In addition we will also entertain a few necessary motions (such as the adoption of the 2014 budget and the naming of trustees) but, as the discussion of these issues will have already taken place, the focus will be on celebration. Please  join us, it should be a lot of fun.