Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 in News

The scripture readings for this week are:
  • First reading
    • Isaiah 43:16-21
  • Psalm
    • Psalm 126
  • Second reading
    • Philippians 3:4b-14
  • Gospel
    • John 12:1-8

The message this week is:  One perfect afternoon

If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or the message please feel free to contact                   Rev. Scott McAndless  at [email protected]

Explorations in Music will be held in the  Fellowship Room following worship for JK – Grade 6 children to participate in.  Everyone is welcome to come in the see what goes on in these interesting and fun classes.

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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 in News

The scripture readings for Sunday, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, are:

  • First reading
    • Joshua 5:9-12
  • Psalm
    • Psalm 32
  • Second reading
    • 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
  • Gospel
    • Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

The message is:  “While I kept silence”

If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or message please feel free to contact Rev. Scott McAndless at [email protected].

Special music given in praise by our Adult Choir with soloist Randy Vermaas.  We also welcome the University of Waterloo Gamelan Ensemble to our worship service and Explorations in Music.  For more information about the Gamelan Ensemble you can go to this link:

Explorations in Music will meet in the sanctuary this week, following worship.

And finally, order forms for flowers for Easter are now available. 

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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 in News

The scripture readings for Sunday are:

  • First reading
    • Isaiah 55:1-9
  • Psalm
    • Psalm 63:1-8
  • Second reading
    • 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
  • Gospel
    • Luke 13:1-9

The sermon is:  Ho! Everyone who thirsts!

If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or sermon please contact Rev. Scott McAndless at  [email protected]

Special music given in praise by our Adult choir with soloist Randy Vermaas as well as our Youth Band.

Explorations in Music will meet again this Sunday following worship.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 in News

Here is your Sunday news for the Second Sunday in Lent.

The scripture readings for Sunday are:

  • First reading
    • Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
  • Psalm
    • Psalm 27
  • Second reading
    • Philippians 3:17-4:1
  • Gospel
    • Luke 13:31-35

The sermon is:  One desert evening

If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or sermon please contact Rev. Scott McAndless at  [email protected]

Special music given in praise by our adult choir & Ray Godin.

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News from your choir!

Posted by on Thursday, March 7th, 2019 in News

Choir Position

Over the past couple months, the choir as been discussing the pros and cons of changing where the choir sits. There are many aspects to consider. Our primary reasons for looking at this topic are accessibility, community, and worship.

On February 10th, the choir experimented with different positions around the sanctuary and got feedback from the congregation.

These are different factors we discussed and the feedback that we got from the congregation and the choir.

  • in the choir pews, the choir is quite far away from the congregation
  • sitting in the pews at the front brings the choir closer to the congregation
    • allows for a greater sense of connection
    • helps the church feel more full
  • the choir is better able to lead the congregation the more clearly they can be heard
  • they can see and be seen by the children during children's time

  • the choir pews are not wheelchair accessible
  • it is difficult to get up to the choir pews if you have any mobility concerns
  • sitting in the pews in the front allows people not to have to go up and down the stairs
  • ramps and handrails would make the choir pews more accessible

Sound Quality & Clarity
  • where the choir is positioned now is one of the worst places acoustically
  • moving them back creates a better sound, but places them even further away from the congregation
  • moving them forward makes the sound better (louder and clearer)
  • when we experimented with different positions and got feedback from the congregation, the favourite position (in terms of sound) was on the chancel steps
  • the second favourite position was the first row of the choir pews and having a row stand in front of the choir pews

  • a number of congregation members wondered why we didn't use mics
  • we don't have the proper equipment to do that well
  • singers generally back off from supporting their sound properly when they have a mic in front of them
  • this immediately decreases tuning and tone and will continue to reinforce less than optimal singing over time
  • especially with the mics we have, it can lead to one voice being picked up above the rest
  • our (awesome) sound team has not had the training necessary to balance the sound
  • it does nothing to address the accessibility issue

Choir's Experience of Worship
  • choir members often have difficulty hearing the service and seeing the screen
  • if there is a soloist or small ensemble, they have to watch them from behind
  • they are better able to see and hear during children's time if they sit in the congregation
  • choir members have reported being able to enjoy the service better when they are able to face the chancel

  • the lighting is brightest in the choir pews
  • there is no lighting directly above the chancel steps

  • the choir has traditionally sat in the choir pews
  • some people value not changing things (this was not expressed by anybody)
  • change can be unsettling to a congregation

Worship Service
  • many people find the choir moving during the service disruptive
  • being able to move quicker, less, or not at all would create a smoother service

Sight-line to Director
  • when the choir and congregation can see the music director, the director can give cues to indicate what is happening in the music
  • this is especially important during the anthems
  • the choir is able to see the music director from the choir pews, but not from the chancel steps
  • moving the piano to the floor would mean they could see cues from the steps

Music & Worship made a recommendation to Session to try three different positions on three different Sundays. Session discussed the recommendations and approved it with two alterations. That the three different positions are each tried for two Sundays and that there be a paper survey readily available to give feedback on.

The three positions are:

  1. Having the choir sit in the front two rows of the congregational pews and move to the floor/steps for the anthem and the hymns (excluding the introit, offertory response, and benediction response)
  2. Having the choir sit in the front two rows of the congregational pews and move to the floor/steps for the anthem and having them stand and turn for the hymns (excluding the introit, offertory response, and benediction response)
  3. Having the choir sit in the choir pews and bring the second and third rows out onto the chancel for the anthem and hymns (those with mobility concerns can remain in the front row of the choir pews)

Here are the dates the new positions will be tried: 

March 17: Position 1
March 24: Position 2
March 31: Position 3

May 19: Position 3
May 26: Position 2
June 2: Position 1

Music & Worship appreciates the thoughts and ideas the congregation has provided so far and we look forward to considering this question further with you.

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 in News

Please join us at 10:00 am for the First Sunday in Lent.

The scripture readings for this Sunday are: 
The sermon title is: Desert Days
If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or the message please contact Rev. Scott McAndless at [email protected]

Explorations in Music (for JK - grade 6) begins on Sunday, at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Room; snacks & drinks provided.

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Posted by on Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 in News

Please join us this Sunday for The Sacrament of Holy Communion.

The scripture readings for this week are: 
  • First reading
    • Exodus 34:29-35
  • Psalm
    • Psalm 99
  • Second reading
    • 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2
  • Gospel
    • Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

The sermon title is:  In the fading afterglow
If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or the message please contact Rev. Scott McAndless at [email protected]

Special Music:  given in praise by Heather Robertson

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Beat the Cold with Hope Clothing

Posted by on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 in News

This morning a group got together to package up our "Beat the Cold" kits.  During the weeks of March 4th & 11th (or until quantities last) we will be giving these kits to each adult who brings with them a new friend to introduce to Hope Clothing.  The friend will also receive a kit.  One kit per family.  We are doing this campaign to try to raise awareness for Hope Clothing to people who need some extra help.

Hope Clothing is open on Tuesdays, noon - 3:00 pm, Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm                     and Thursdays 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Many thanks to all of the people who donated to the kits.  The kits may contain: kleenex, hand sanitizer, cough lozenges, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, tea.  People will also be able to choose a package containing a pillow and blanket (while quantities last), hats, scarves and socks for the family!

Each kit will also come with fresh fruit and yogurt.

Please share or tell people about Hope Clothing.

Also, thank you to the people who continue to donate their gently used or new clothing.  Thanks also go out to Zehrs, the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank and Value Village.

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